Key Elements
- synchronising the upward, downward and upward turns
- relative size of rectangles
IN is called when - at least - three kites are flying at ^10, horizontally. Spread about 10% apart, and symmetrically spread around centre window, a sharp upward turn is performed, all kites at the same time. Each kite flies a rectangle, or square with total side length of 180%. The downward turn on the top right (or top left) corner of the rectangles and squares will be simultaneous. After these rectangle and squares kites fly towards centre window. Before any kite reaches centre window, but with the two "centre" kites within 15% distance from centre window, a sharp turn upwards follows. OUT is called after all kites have at least travelled 10% upwards.
NB The tall rectangles will always be flown; squares only by a 5 or 6 person team; a 3 person team has the choice of flying either the outmost left or outmost right rectangle.