Despite the weather which gave us three heavy and prolonged showers, the 11th Streatham Common Kite Day was a great success.

It is always invidious to try and single out particular people for thanks over and above others but on the kite flying front Carl from Team Spectrum and the Brighton Kite Flyers deserve special thanks for their presence and perseverance in the face of the inclement weather.
Tom Apurba and his team put on a great display of kite fighting and we had the added bonus of Keith and Vee Griffiths of the STACK pair Ex Grads. Team Adrenalyze took the honours in the power kite field.
As most of the top freestyle flyers were at a competition in France I put on a display in the arena flying to two of my favourite tracks: Let’s Dance by Chris Montez and Putting on the Ritz by Ella Fitzgerald.
The Mothers’ Bridge of Love gave some added colour to the day with Chinese kites and two dancers dressed in Lion and Panda costume.
Many thanks to Gavin Love who not only did all the organisational work on the refreshment front but also did a very full day on the Common as traffic meister amongst other duties.
Gordon Richardson was as ever supportive and we welcome all the help we get from the Friends of Streatham Common.
On the food front welcome too to Ishmael’s Mother for what was the best curry on the Common; the hog roast and bar provided more traditional fare and Posh Pancakes did the business.
The Highwaymen did good business selling both clothes and kites, as did Ramnath Pupkin of Hanuman Kites who sells ‘the smallest kites in the world that actually fly’ – they’re not (not even close) but I don’t think anyone’s had the heart to tell him.
So all in all a great day and thanks to everyone who came.