Panoramas of Brixton

I’ve just added some new panoramas of Brixton to my website. These include two of Windrush Square, two in Market Row (one of Brixton’s covered markets) and one on the corner of Electric Avenue and Atlantic Road. These add to the older ones I made a couple of years ago of the Brixton Windmill and the walled garden in Brockwell Park, which I’ve remade to a higher resolution.

Windrush Square

I was going to do some in Brixton Village (what used to be known as the Granville Arcade in the good old days) but some over-zealous security guard stopped me taking photos. I’d particularly wanted to do a panorama here, as one of my earliest memories – I must have been about 3½ – is of the pet shop with the wolf-whistling mynah bird.

Market Row

The covered markets have changed a lot since I was a kid. Where there were once butchers, greengrocers, fishmongers and shops selling pots and pans, bolts of cloth, pretty much anything you could imagine, there are now a series of chi-chi little eateries full of hipsters thinking they’re being cool by coming to ‘edgy’ Brixton.

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