Posts Tagged ‘browsers’

20 Years in Web Design

Friday, April 24th, 2015

This is the home page when we closed the business, but it looked pretty much the same at the beginning.LinkedIn has just reminded me that it’s 18 years since I’ve been working as a freelance website designer. And that reminded me that it’s 20 years since I made my first website – for the audio visual production company that I had at that time with my business partner Darryl Johnson. I can remember having loads of fun getting my head around table layouts and frames and probably loads of other things that would be anathema to web standards today. The first browser I used would have been Mosaic, but Netscape came along in 1994 and that’s the one I was using when I made the website in 1995. It’s quite amazing how far the web has come in just those few years.

Chrome overtakes Firefox

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

For the first time Google’s Chrome browser has overtaken Firefox as being the most-used browser visiting the website according to the log files for August.

The actual figures are close with Chrome at 27.96% and Firefox 27.68%. Firefox has been top of the table since 2008 when it shot past Internet Explorer going from 2% behind in July to 16% ahead in August.

Interestingly (and annoyingly) IE6 is still a significant proportion of the 13.5% of people still using IE – and surprisingly it’s ahead of IE7. That’s only about 25 page hits a day, but still significant.

My personal preference is still for Firefox, which I’ve been using as my main browser since version 1 came out in late 2004. But I have all of the major browsers on my PC for testing purposes, most of them in several versions, the earlier of which I run on Windows XP virtual PCs.