Posts Tagged ‘ghostsign’

Ghost Signs – A London Story

Sunday, October 31st, 2021

Over the last year I’ve been working with Sam (Mr Ghostsigns) Roberts on producing a book documenting London’s Ghost Signs. The book has been printed and is now available via Isola Press’s website.

Sam has done all of the writing, most of the photography is mine and we’ve shared the research. The book features over 250 of London’s ghost signs and we think it’s the most comprehensive book on ghost signs ever published.

The book is accompanied by a detailed online map, locating all the signs featured and many more, with itineraries for those wanting to venture out and discover the signs in person.

Clapham Ghostsigns Walk

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

Ghostsigns guru Sam Roberts has added a Clapham Walk to his Ghostsigns Tours app. The new tour makes extensive use of my photos and ghostsign reconstructions.

Clapham Ghostsigns Walk

The other walks available for the app are for Stoke Newington and London’s Bankside. The app is available for both Android and iPhone.

Clapham Ghostsigns Re-imagined

Monday, March 26th, 2018

Later this year – on Sunday 30 September leaving at 10am and 2pm from Clapham North Station – Ghostsigns and the Clapham Society are getting together to do a one-off tour of the ghostsigns of Clapham (follow CS link to book). I’ve been helping them to prepare for this with some local research and by letting them use some of my photos. I’ve also been trying out some different techniques to reconstruct how the ghostsigns might have looked when they were new.

Read more…

Ghostsigns of Clapham

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

Ghostsigns are the old advertisements that were painted directly onto the brick on the sides of buildings. They are gradually fading away, although occasionally a new one is revealed when a modern poster site is removed for maintenance. Clapham is one of the best areas of London to see them. Read more…

Ghostsign Hidden by Climbing Roses

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

In Wandsworth Road on the border between Clapham and Battersea there’s a very faded old ghost sign for Hovis. Next to this there used to be a more recent sign for ‘TV Audio Video Repair’. This is now fast disappearing behind a trellis full of climbing roses.

Shaving Saloon Ghost Sign

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

I was walking through Stockwell today when I saw a ghost sign that’s been fairly recently repainted. If you look closely you can just see a faint trace of the old sign showing through. I’ve done a couple of screen grabs from Google Street View which shows how the sign used to look about a year ago.

Ghostsigns Calendar

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

I’ve just found out that I’ve had one of my photos accepted for the 2014 Ghostsigns Calendar. Very chuffed! Mind you, I only just made it in 12th place.


In case you’re wondering a chaudronnerie and a serrurerie is a boilermaker and a locksmith, selling new and used boilers, stills and piping.