The Stripple Stones
On private land just to the south of Hawk’s Tor on Bodmin Moor stands the Stripple Stones, the only stone circle in Cornwall to be in a henge (a bank and ditch). The circle dates to the late neolithic (2800-2000bce) and is about 45m in diameter. Originally there were thought to have been between 28 and 37 stones of which 15 remain. Some of these had fallen, but most were re-erected during a recent restoration.

At some time in the past the circle had been cut through by a boundary wall. This wall was moved outside of the monument as part of the restoration.
Click on the images to see them larger.
The Route to the Stones
Turn off the A30 at the St Breward/Temple junction and head north towards St Breward. After 1.25km you’ll come to a crossroad. Turn right and park on the side of the track leading to Hawk’s Tor Farm (don’t block the track). Walk NE past the Trippet Stones, through the first gate and across the small stream. You are now in a narrow lane with sheep pens. There are two more gates in this lane (both were tied shut and I had to climb over them). You can then follow either route to the Stripple Stones (the south route is easier going). The land marked in yellow is private, but I believe this route has been given the OK for access to the stones. The walk is about 2km in each direction across roughish ground. It’s worth taking a detour to the top of Hawk’s Tor for the view back over the stones.
Click on the map to see it larger.

This link should take you to Bing Maps showing an Ordnance Survey view of the area.
I’ve made a 360° panorama of the Stripple Stones which you can see by clicking here.