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Medieval Wall Painting
in the
English Parish Church

Wickhampton, Norfolk (†Norwich) C.14

The Three Living & The Three Dead

Three Living, Wickhampton

The Three Living: they are positively prancing in their confidence. The man on the right has a hawk on his wrist and the attendant at the lower left has a dog (very obscure now) on a leash (the hare pursued by the dog shows well now in the lower picture). All of this confirms that this is a hunting party, as in most examples of the subject.¹

Three Dead, Wickhampton

The Three Dead: the grasp of anatomy demonstrated in the example at Tarrant Crawford is less evident here, but the central figure shows some good skeletal detail. The hare flees in terror, perhaps of the Dead as much as the dog. The dead man at the right raises a hand to hail the Living, who are further right, beyond the appropriately dead tree. The trees are painted with a certain sinuous grace, as are the elegantly aristocratic legs of the Three Living above.

The very interesting Seven Works of Mercy at Wickhampton also has new photographs, and the Wickhampton St Christopher is also now here.

Website for St Andrew, Wickhampton

† in page heading = Diocese