Tate Modern
Went to the Tate Modern with friends today. I have to say that I really hate what they’ve done to Gilbert Scott’s old Bankside Power Station building. They’ve totally ruined the proportions by sticking what looks like a line of port-a-cabins on the roof. And the way the galleries are curated is just bizarre. But as we were on our way out there was a mass invasion of the turbine hall by people dressed as pirates from Captain Pugwash who proceeded to lie on the floor making the shape of the Black Pig.
We also looked at the Robert Morris: Bodyspacemotionthings interactive installation which was great fun – much less po-faced than all that art-with-a-capital-A.
- Woman in the narrow gap
- Alex on the steep ramp
- Woman on the narrowing ledge
- Woman on the narrowing ledge
- Woman on the steep ramp
- Women on the steep ramp
- Woman on the tightrope
- Alex at the end of the narrowing ledge
- Woman on the tightrope
- Woman falling off the tightrope
- Bodyspacemotionthings
While we were having coffee I took some photos from the balcony which I stitched into a panorama – not bad considering the photos were taken on my camera phone.