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Medieval Wall Painting
in the
English Parish Church

A Developing Catalogue

Anne Marshall
Associate Lecturer (retired), Open University

This site represents the continuing development of what may one day become a comprehensive catalogue. Vast quantities of Medieval Wall Painting have been lost forever, of course, but there is nevertheless more left on English church walls than is generally realised; paintings continue to be uncovered and more still are known to exist under layers of plaster. Some of these will come to light one day; in fact some are already doing so, as at Houghton-on-the-Hill, near Swaffham in Norfolk and Ilketshall St Andrew in Suffolk.

From the Contents Page you can go to any of the other sectors of the site, including a County Map and an alphabetical Subject Index. The site is also broken down into ten main Sections (some with sub-sections). These can most easily be found from the top menu bar. The Links might help with some useful resources and there is also a full Bibliography and suggested reading list.

The site has been updated and made responsive by Roy Reed of ReedDesign. He has also contributed some of his own photographs of medieval wall painting.

Unless otherwise stated, all photographs on this site are copyright © T Marshall 2000-2018.
Header and footer images of the Chaldon Purgatorial Ladder are copyright © Roy Reed 2019.